T-shirt: All Saints*
Lipstick: Dolce and Gabbana - Monica 80

I'm afraid my post today is pretty half hearted. Since returning from University and London life I've had recurring fat days and quite honesty couldn't deal with uploading a photo of my lower body which I'm currently repulsed by. Whilst I know I'm not morbidly obese or anything severely health concerning I'm just feeling significantly heavier than usual. I've therefore elected to post an OOTD without actually showing much. HA!

I went slightly mad in the Toppers sale the other day after my hair appointment so I am determined to show the bits I brought this weekend regardless of my insecurities. Bit of a rant but meh it's Friday and my boy's gone off to London to work at Radio 1's Big Weekend so I'm hopelessly bored. I quite spontaneously purchased an iPhone 4 on ebay today so when it and my sim card finally arrive I will have a phone so my tweeting and bits on other social media things will improve significantly. I have to say not having a phone for a few weeks is really quite liberating. My friend Jessy has already pursuaded me to join instagram and recommended the Hello Kitty Salon. Do you have any iPhone recommendations? I'm pathetically excited to jump on the iPhone hype and renounce my previous BB connections.

Also, if you haven't already, check out Coco Deville I've seen Katy's bits on my lovely blogging friend Charlene's blog and didn't realise she was my hairdresser &best friend's boyfriend's sister - super small world. She stocks some lovely brands and this Monsieur Steve tee is one of my favourites :)


  1. Love your t-shirt! And yay for the iPhone purchase! I'm so addicted to my phone. I'd say I use instagram the most, but every now and then a faddy app comes along that consumes my every waking moment for a good week or so haha...Temple Run...Draw Something...LogosQuiz...Diner Dash xxx

    1. Thank you! You'll have to message me your number as I lost all of mine when my bb was stolen. Ooh must try Diner Dash and LogosQuiz! xxxx


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