Kindle: Tesco
Pleather case: Ebay

I finally succumbed and purchased a Kindle, after despising them since their release. I love actual books, actually seeing how much you've read rather than a percentage and the cover art. My dream, till this year, was to have an entire shelf of Penguin classics on display when you walked into my (dream) house. However since interning with the publishing house this dream was totally tarnished by how utterly unprofessional and horrendous the team I was working with were. I now have a broad collection of classics but sadly quite a disdain for the publisher. As I'm leaving for a 24 hour flight and a month in Australia/New Zealand a week today I felt this would be the most practical investment, as I'll be able to read all the novels on my reading list for next term and research for my dissertation without lugging bulky and heavy books about. I was really tempted by Tesco's £10 off offer for new customers which I saw through a Martin Lewis (megga babe) email, purchasing it through a cash back website also enabled me to get £5 cash back on my purchase: total bargain or what?! I went for the original 6" Amazon Kindle with wi-fi which I may already be slightly regretting as it doesn't have a back light or touch screen - using the buttons is already annoying me. I've already downloaded Victoria Coren, Caitlin Moran's works (as my Kobo app has totally messed up) and Great Expectations (I'm so excited for the film's release Miss Havisham is one of my all time favourite literary figures and Helena Bonham-Carter is just the most perfect actress to play her), please recommend any other novel's as after having my head in too many academic books I'm quite out the loop.


  1. i love the case!

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. enter my xmas giveaway to win lots of presents from lush and more! it ends soon so click here :)

  2. what a great buy! i love your case its so minnie mouse! sally xo


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