Dress: Primark (old see here)
Tights: Primark (thick kids tights - amazzzeee)
Shoes: ASOS

I implore you to ignore my simply shoddy OOTD post - the photographs are just awful especially the second which has to probably be the worst OOTD photo ever I was in a bit of a rush this morning as I couldn't decide upon what to wear as the weather forecast was (as usual) very hit and miss. I only realised on my lunch break and quickly snapped these :S I can slightly compensate for these awful photos as I have already featured this dress on my blog a while ago (see HERE) so you can check the dress out in full there if you wish to :)

Today was really fun. We've got an exciting shoot tomorrow so I'll be running a few errands in Central London tomorrow before heading back to the studio to assist :) It's such a lovely place to intern at as you're able to really assist and aren't allocated tedious jobs. I've been asked back again which I'm already really looking forward to.

One of my friends from home text me today re. a party he's throwing in exactly a month's time which he's considering hiring a hot tub for, extravagant but terribly exciting! It's given me quite a deadline to tone up my grotesque legs, stomach and arms - as I write this I'm attempting to work out how many sit ups, press ups and lunges I can manage... Are any of you on a fitness/diet campaign and have any tips or posts you'd like to share? I definitely need all the help I can get as at present I'm the laziest lump and regardless of this potential hot tub situation I do need to get myself to a gym/salad bar.


  1. This dress is lovely Sarah. I'm such a sucker for polka dots, they win anyday of the week!x

  2. Your dress is really cute :) I love polka dots! And good effort taking photos in the morning. I'm so bad at dieting, I only lose weight during term time when I can't afford to eat haha!

    F X

    1. haha me too, although I only eat chocolate over stressful essay periods :( xx

  3. nice dress. polka dots are such a cute look.


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